Top Misconception Of Rubber Flooring

When you think about rubber flooring you must be imagined a floor that you can bounce on because of its rubber properties. Hopping and playing around without thinking of imminent injuries that could happen. Well, it could happen, but still minimal though.

Yes, it Its Minimal – The rubber flooring offers excellent shock-absorbent abilities and is extremely durable. It could minimize every extreme injury and save the worries of getting harmed easily. It is very bouncy and super comfortable underfoot hence improving safety overall.

To reap the best benefits of rubber flooring, it must be used in the right way and in the right areas. Otherwise, the investment in rubber floors will fail to meet the facility or gym flooring needs. The advantages of rubber flooring are many.

 Advantages Of Rubber Flooring

  1. Less Maintenance And Care

Rubber floors need no cleaning every day or deep cleaning, only a simple vacuum or sweep could mostly enough to remove debris and dirt throughout the floor.

 2. Resistance To Bacteria And Water

Bacteria could not live inside the rubber floor as there is no fibre to lurk in and no water could be absorbed either. Rubber is “spongey” but it could not absorb any moisture making it resistant to water and therefore disadvantageous for bacteria to live in either.

 3. Long-Lasting And High Resiliency

Production of rubber floors requires an extensive process of recycled tires to ensure top-quality of end products. Rubber flooring is mostly used in a high-traffic area, many people would step on the floor and resiliency is a must to preserve the benefits of the floor.

Upfront payments for rubber flooring are quite expensive, but it is cheaper considering how long it will last and still maintaining its ability to keep people safe. It is expected to live on for around 20 years without damage under normal circumstances.

 4. Anti-Slipping Floor

Rubber flooring has excellent slip resistance and is good enough to prevent people from falling down during any activities. Rubber floors are commonly used in gym flooring for this reason and the high slip resistance also makes rubber floors an attractive option in healthcare facilities and nursing homes.

Despite having almost impeccable benefits, there is still frailty with rubber flooring especially if used the wrong way. It’s important to get the facts so you don’t invest in a new rubber floor that won’t actually meet your needs.

So let’s jot down the misconception about rubber flooring.

Rubber Flooring Is Ideal For Garage Flooring

It is surely ideal for garage flooring only if the garage is empty most of the time. While you may think rubber flooring has winning properties, they are still unsuitable for garage flooring for only one particular reason. You may argue that a lot of garages installed rubber flooring, while you are greatly mistaking it because they used another kind of flooring. They used PVC flooring, which is made from flexible plastic that performs better in a garage than rubber does.

The only reason it is not suitable for garage flooring is potentially leaking oil from parked vehicles. Rubber and oil are never well together as the oil would damage the rubber itself including the rubber floor. It is never a matter of “if”, it is always a matter of “when”, meaning that the destruction of rubber would gradually happen until total destruction.

The rubber floor is held together using polyurethane-based glue, the leakage oil would break down the glue and damage the rubber floor.

Rubber Flooring Will Make Your Surrounding Smells Like Tires

Newly-installed rubber flooring always smells like a tyre, so there is no denying this misconception for a distinct tyre-like smell as rubber floor is made from recycled tires. The strength of the odour depends on certain factors, like the raw materials used, the size of the room, and the ventilation.

The smells will fade away after a few days, especially in areas with good ventilation. Fresh air from ventilation will wash out the odour and will leave an unnoticeable smell after a few weeks unless you stick your nose to the floor.

Rubber Flooring Can Be Used as Basketball Court Flooring

Basketball is a very high pace sport, players will accelerate and run most of the time with quick side-to-side movement all to way to the basket. Rubber flooring will hinder the pace of the game as it will absorb the bounce of the ball, which is why most of the court is a hard floor.

Rubber flooring is very slip-resistant. This will cause leg muscle strain for the player resulting in the floor absorbing impact from fast pace run. If an incident occurred, it is safer to fall down rather than be restrained from a rubber floor. Slip-resistance floor just gives an adverse effect on basketball courts, that much slip-resistance on a basketball court can actually cause you to trip at a fast pace or become injured.

It is much better in a gym, but not so much on basketball courts. We do not recommend installing it on basketball courts.

Rubber Floor Is An Excellent Insulator

When it comes to insulating against surrounding temperature, the rubber floor fails to insulate against temperature transmission. The cold surrounding temperature would turn the rubber floor chilly and the same way the hot temperature would turn it warm. Conclusively, rubber floor temperature would behave accordingly to surroundings.

Rubber floor is excellent in absorbing impact and however, makes it great for insulating noise during weightlifting in the gym or anything particular.